


"The Uncertainty Principle"

Interview & Review by Adriana Rubio

Photos: Courtesy of Hats Off Gentlemen, It's Adequate

"Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate" are a London-based band with a unique rocking progressive sound, a very well done and distinctive combination of styles in the genre of experimental rock with funk and classical elements along with deep thoughts lyrics and scientific views. 

They are Malcolm Galloway, a multi-instrumentalist singer and producer, accompanied by co-producer Mark Gatland on bass guitar, backing vocals and keyboards. They also count with the participation of Kathryn Thomas playing the flute. 

I had the opportunity to interview Malcolm and Mark prior to the album release. It was an engaging talk where they provided insights on the album that allowed me to delve deeper into its context. The Uncertainty Principle is undoubtedly a conceptual album, beginning with the first visual aspect of it by looking at the art cover. The colors and the combination of meticulously selected images are striking.

But before getting into their newest album, let's talk about the band's name and their background in their own words. 

Regarding the band's name, Malcolm says it was a self-propagating taken from Robert Schumann's review of Frédéric Chopin's music saying, "Hats Off, Gentlemen, a Genius!", like preparing people for something impressive. Malcolm smiled nicely and said that the name doesn't really fit with their music, it was many years ago. On his part Mark adds that they don't force any certain area of their music because of the name. We can go anywhere we want musically. 

Malcolm and Mark play musical instruments from when they were 12 or 13 years old. Mark says he was gigging all over the place in his teens and twenties. They lost touch musically for a short period of time. Malcolm wanted to become a doctor, so he focused on medicine school for a while. He then started doing some solo songwriting and gigs, and that's when Mark went to one of those gigs. They reconnected musically again until the present days.

They remembered the time when they used to play through Queen, and Pink Floyd songbooks among some other acts. Malcolm and Mark notice how different it is to write your own music; both see the growth as songwriters and producers over the years.

It's really interesting the way these two musicians understand and complement each other during the writing process and recordings as it's all done with a laptop sending material back and forth respectively. Hats Off band were growing in parallel with the technology progress for the last 20 years, so there's no need to work in recording studios other than their own software. Recording remotely gives them flexibility and control over the creative process. It reflects their experimental ethos, using technology to push boundaries. 

Malcolm has always been interested in science history and Quantum Physics, he did and extense research especially on the early part of the last century about the uncertainty principle, the idea of knowing about another aspect of it which complements with his area of teaching, (over confidence and excesive certainty), having a belief and then challenge it when the situation changes. 

The Uncertainty Principle, the newest album by "Hats Off, Gentlemen, it's Adequate", is one of the greatest I listened recently, each track transports the listener progressively to the next one. I tried different tracks choosing them randomly, it works, but there's no comparison when listened track after track, it feels as the listener is part of the challenge as having to confront and make changes in every step. 

The album is awesomely produced, great progression from "Certainty" to "Everything Changes". It suggests a deep journey into the evolving nature of scientific understanding.

The whole album captures the emotional struggle and sense of loss that came with abandoning the old traditional scientific certainties, being challenged to change. Intense and dramatic!

Every track showcases a captivating theme, masterfully crafted with outstanding tunes and melodic vocals, accompanied by amazing guitar playing and deeply grooving bass lines. Together, they create a distinct sound that delves into the experimental realm while remaining anchored to the core essence of great songwriting.


  1. 1-Certainty
  2. 2-Everything Changed
  3. 3-The Ultraviolet Catastrophe
  4. 4-Copenhagen
  5. 5-Cause and Effect (But not necessarily in that order)
  6. 6-The Uncertainty Principle
  7. 7-Inside the Atom
  8. 8-The Think Tank
  9. 9-One Wordf that means the World (Arkhipov)
  10. 10-Between Two Worlds
  11. 11-Living with Uncertainty

"The 8th album by Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate explores the idea of uncertainty. Certainty is, on the whole, comfortable, but often misleading and dangerous".

Released March 4, 2025.
Music written by Malcolm Galloway and Mark Gatland
Malcolm Galloway - lyrics, lead guitar, synths, mastering.
Mark Gatland - bass guitar, vocal engineer, additional guitars and synths, co-producer.
Produced by Malcolm Galloway and Mark Gatland tracks 1-5,7-9, 11, and Malcolm Galloway, Mark Gatland and Kathryn Thomas on tracks 6,10.
With Kathryn Thomas on flute track 6, backing vocals on track 11, co-producer track 10 - flute and Ethan Galloway (vocals) track 11.

For more info on the band and previous albums and gigs, please visit the band's camp at: 

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